Many are commenting on how young sportstar Virat Kohli has recently starred in a string of foolish ads. From pataoing women with creepiness to Waku-Doki-ing in his Liva, BrandVirat seems to be the BIG HIT both on and off the field.
Of all Virat campaigns, Cinthol's Alive is Awesome is perhaps the most ridiculous. Or so people are saying. The TVC certainly leaves one wondering what the hell just happened.
Well I'll tell you what just happened. Someone came up with something different.
For category that's teeming with brands, all trying to cleverly position the male deodorant as the ultimate weapon of mass seduction, no single brand had the balls to try something different. While Axe can almost single-handedly claim credit for for its wildly exaggerated (and hence humorous) enhanced sex appeal ads, other brands that have blindly followed suit have often missed the comic element, making their ads exceedingly stupid and often repulsive.
Lousy advertising over the years has conditioned us to believe that in a deodorant ad, women will helplessly, desperately, and involuntarily get attracted to men who use a particular brand. This new ad reaches out of the TV screen, grabs you and shakes you up. The ad itself draws a very strong parallel with its product in how refreshing it is. It therefore stands out from its sexist counterparts and has great recall. The ad is foolish- but in a nice way that sticks.
So if you think that the Alive is Awesome ad is disturbing, and it makes you think of the mindlessness that seems to have taken over today's advertising, ask yourself this: what are the last deodorant ads that you saw? I dont know about you- but with great effort, I can't even recall 5 brands and their ads.
Of all Virat campaigns, Cinthol's Alive is Awesome is perhaps the most ridiculous. Or so people are saying. The TVC certainly leaves one wondering what the hell just happened.
Well I'll tell you what just happened. Someone came up with something different.
For category that's teeming with brands, all trying to cleverly position the male deodorant as the ultimate weapon of mass seduction, no single brand had the balls to try something different. While Axe can almost single-handedly claim credit for for its wildly exaggerated (and hence humorous) enhanced sex appeal ads, other brands that have blindly followed suit have often missed the comic element, making their ads exceedingly stupid and often repulsive.
Lousy advertising over the years has conditioned us to believe that in a deodorant ad, women will helplessly, desperately, and involuntarily get attracted to men who use a particular brand. This new ad reaches out of the TV screen, grabs you and shakes you up. The ad itself draws a very strong parallel with its product in how refreshing it is. It therefore stands out from its sexist counterparts and has great recall. The ad is foolish- but in a nice way that sticks.
So if you think that the Alive is Awesome ad is disturbing, and it makes you think of the mindlessness that seems to have taken over today's advertising, ask yourself this: what are the last deodorant ads that you saw? I dont know about you- but with great effort, I can't even recall 5 brands and their ads.
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